Don’t FB in anger…PRAY!

Will Ford posted a quote by Dutch Sheets a couple of days ago, and it provoked me. It had to do with Obama and his public validation of “gay marriage”. Here’s the quote:


Dutch Sheets

Was what happened Tuesday God’s will? I am quite confident it was not. America was offered a very clear choice between moving further toward protecting the unborn or further away; between a Supreme Court that would move toward honoring God, life and morality or away from it. The stakes couldn’t have been higher nor the cost greater. As a nation we put on blinders concerning Barak Obama’s background, associations, beliefs and practices, and set these causes back years, possibly decades. And in doing so we took another step away from God and His plans for America, and another step toward judgment.”

“In warning of judgment, I am not suggesting that God is going to intentionally and directly hurt people. Much judgment is simply the absence of God’s protection and provision, caused by a rejection of His laws and ways. We have been experiencing some forms of judgment in America for years, but God in His incredible patience and mercy has kept us from the level we’ve deserved. I believe this will change to a degree and judgment will now increase…”

Dutch Sheets, just after Barak Obama was elected U. S. President, Nov. 8, 2008.

My response

I believe Dutch is right however whatever judgment comes will be because of the church. It’s Ezekiel 9….and who is humble enough to accept that?

Although the President is making bad moves and saying things that are anti-Christian, he needs prayer. I truly believe he will turn as Lincoln did over 100 years ago.

Lincoln was down the middle too, and it took men used as political voices from God, like Douglass, to turn his heart away from slavery.

It was Sojourner Truth and others who believed in Jesus that did what no one dared in prayer and in person would. And Lincoln paid his life for it.


gay marriage

Now we must be those voices of God not just on FB but in our prayer closets and rooms and pursue Obama the same way Planned Parenthood and gay rights activists do. He is our current leader so he is our servant. We serve the King of the universe and we are inthe Jeremiah 1 moment of seeing leaders built up, kingdoms broken down..this is a taunt to the church not the just the pastors who don’t pray. Obama is only saying what money and he thinks votes will get him. The devil knows we would rather post on FB than intercede for him…and this isn’t against this group just those who apply to.

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“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that’s not what America’s about.” – Nov. 2, 2008, while running for president, on MTV.

“I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” – May 9, 2012, as president, in an interview with Robin Roberts of ABC News.


“I believe marriage is …

Can’t We All Just Get Along Enough…by NicoleGoesUrban

I’m not convinced that what I heard or read today were two separate things: finished The Cross & The Switchblade by David Wilkerson and Trayvon Martin case on NPR with Talk of the Nation by young Black media speakers. One is about a country preacher rocked by an article in Life Magazine 60 years ago on young teenage kids caught in violence and on trial. The other is about an unarmed teenager who met up with a neighborhood “cop” and it ended with a shooting. Both main characters of either story have passed away.

Both stories have shook our nation due to two words: integration & injustice – but they don’t play out the same way. One led to that preacher, David Wilkerson to become an international giant and starting Teen Challenge reaching out to the troubled youth in different cities, starting with New York. He went after the hardest and wildest kids caught in prostitution, drugs, and gang life.


The other was a young teenager who was being disciplined and sent to his dad’s for a while, and met up with seemed to be a overeager watchman, that didn’t have the police department backing and the teenager died with candy and ice tea.



Does race matter in both cases? Yes…and no. Did Wilkerson search out for minority kids? No, he found many kids, who happened to be Black and Hispanic, in trouble and got cleaned up. Zimmerman, half White & Hispanic is poised to be wondering who Trayvon was, and whatever he says, Trayvon who was Black, can only now speak through DNA and a 911 tape.

Honestly, I don’t want to hear “cuckoo birds” speaking on injustice and lost the focus of the major movement they joined 40 years ago, trying to rile up my city. And neither did people welcome Wilkerson either. And someone can get to the bottom of the Trayvon Martin case, I don’t care if he’s white. Just bring justice and the truth!

So now what? Let’s invite the man Justice…Jesus into the national conversation. Not talking heads, but what the grassroots Southern church people did…they prayed, they fasted, and yes they marched. But what if someone with the compassion of Wilkerson from our region took on this mantle to pray and attack injustice on the grassroots level, not in front of the cameras or with a crowd.

Things are getting worse, and I’d prefer to hear what Jesus think we should do next…before we take another on a move…ment.


So they say I’m getting old….

and so my time is limited in having children. But the last I looked, my body is still an engine that hasn’t burned out yet and I can usually keep up with those who are 10 years younger than or further back. But it shouldn’t stop me from believing what God said, and sometimes when that’s all you have, you can’t settle for medical reports and physical pain. Jesus didn’t.

But now I’m in the position to be tested on what I actually preach and would blog all day on. However, get a bad report and suffer silently, facing your fears and you’ll see how spiritual you won’t be when things get tough. However, it doesn’t diminish what God says or the fact He won’t make it happen.

To put it bluntly, my body is trying to get rid of fibroids in my womb…which function like a tumor (without the cancer thank goodness). However, it complicates my life based on losing energy and focus physically and otherwise. And to top it off, if I don’t get on meds or have a procedure to get them removed, I may not be able to have children. That’s not an optionbut I wonder if my womb is like Jack Nicholson from A FEW GOOD MEN and screaming otherwise.

Good friends and well-meaning family keep bringing up: “you can always adopt”. Those are four words I never thought would haunt me…but I can’t help wondering if that what God wants, and I just injected my own flesh into what I think is a word, ya feel me?

I know I’ve had dreams, words, and been prophesied to, but I have been serving God and been a lover of His too long to assume I know how it all plays out. In fact, I don’t want to be offended when I contend and don’t see it from God’s perspective. I guess this is an invitation to come closer to Him…but make no mistake: whatever He says and whatever happens, I plan NOT to be afraid. Ever.

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